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Typhoon Kim Comprehensive Guide Dragon Nest Online

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  I. Intro

I present to you a comprehensive Typhoon Kim Nest guide. We will tackle doing a standard run as well as achieving the hidden stage. We will also debunk w3w-stition about this nest.

There will be multiple chapters for this guide, each with it's detailed description on how to clear it as efficiently as possible. Also, if please be warned that there is a wall of text coming your way.

Thankyou always for the feedback, sorry if I had not touched the guide alot, I am busy with another game! But do not worry, I will update the guide more from inputs from my guildmembers. Cheers and happy reading
 II. Party Composition

Everyone who has done Typhoon Kim Nest knows the mobs are freakishly tanky. It's like they were trained by Typhoon Kim himself to eat damage everyday. Even geared players take ~20 minutes to clear the nest. But I found the best parties to clear this nest very quick and efficiently.
Party # 1 (VERY Geared)

Gladiator, Elestra, Gearmaster, Inquisitor

Explanation: Ice stacking and Provoking slam are the main reasons to get into this kind of party. Inquisitor is taken from the cleric class because of the burst damage as well as complementary buffs. Gladiator is here to provide decent burst damage (HL is also nice), and Gearmaster is to provide the constant DPS with towers.

Party # 2 (Geared)

Gladiator, Mercenary Class, Bowmaster Class, Saint/Inquisitor

Explanation: Mercenary class in general has Battle Howl for extra DMG and CRT as well as Howl Charging for tanking purposes. Think you can tank Little John's nuke? Yes you can with Devastating howl. Bowmasters are an excellent source of constant DPS and a powerful debuff that can help increase the damage of party members. A choice between Saint and Inquisitor; both will provide decent heals as well as the needed buffs.

Party # 3 (Least geared)

Bowmaster Class, Engineer Class, Saint or DPS Inquisitor, Guardian

Explanation: Notice that we are using almost all range classes in this party. The reason is that this is a very defensive party. Bowmaster Class for debuff and DPS. Engineer Class for sustained DPS. Saint or DPS Inquisitor is indeed an odd choice, however, their buffs and powerful heals are just too good to pass up and DPS Inquisitor is like having Zeus in your party. Guardian to provide super-armor and damage reducing spells as well as boosting the damage of your fellow Clerics.

My Personal Party (No flaming please)

Mercenary Class, Bowmaster Class, Gladiator, Guardian

Explanation: My preferred party is a combination of Defensive and Offensive spells. Bowmaster and Gladiator will provide the constant DPS and debuffs while the Mercenary and Guardian will provide burst damage and damage reducing skills. Mercenary should have atleast lvl5 Battle howl and the Guardian should have a Heal -CD plate for support.
 III. Typhoon Kim Nest

STAGE 1 - Orc Kwok   

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Unless your party is very geared, Kill Orc Kwok first then kill the Minotaur. The first stage is very straightforward. Once you have killed the Minotaur, the wall he broke through has magically patched itself up (don't ask how... MAGIC!).

Hidden Ending Requirement: Don't kill Orc Kwok.
 • Inside the wall to the left, there will be a clickable item "Reed" you will be needing this on STAGE 3. There is a 75% chance (not confirmed yet) that the Reed will spawn.

• There is a random chance that the Cannon ball will spawn in this room. You will need it for Santa Orc Stage.

STAGE 2 - Death by Rolling Pins

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Ok, for this stage there is no need waste your skills on the mobs. Simply push the mobs towards the rolling pins and they die instantly. I get a lot of hate because I keep kicking them to the rolling pin instead (:>) .

First Rolling pins
• Simply clear the wave by pushing them or killing them with your skills. *Once it has been cleared fast enough, the gate will open. **If the rolling pin has reached about 80% of the first part, the door will open as well.

Second Rolling pins
* If you have cleared the First rolling pin fast enough you will have access to the mobs on the right side gate.
** If you didn't clear the mobs fast enough, the right side gate will not open. You will have to go back to the first area and wait for the rolling pin to pass by. You will get teleported to the next area afterwards.
To access the Royal Chest, there is a switch on the left side corner upon entering the 2nd rolling pin area. You can choose to activate it when the 2nd Rolling Pin starts OR you can do it after the rolling pin has gone through.

 Third Rolling Pins
You can choose either the *Safe route or the **Hard route. See spoilers for Chefs Room achievements.

*Safe - Rush towards the crack on the wall. Use all of your Super Armor breaking skills to crack the wall open. Once inside, you will see Goblin Chef (probably hostage by Orc Kim).

**Hard - just keep killing all of the mobs or keep pushing them to the rolling pin. Once it's done, you can proceed to the 4th Rolling Pins.
 • Inside the room, there should be 6 clickable food. You will get the title "Found out everything" once you have clicked all. However, doing so will not trigger the chef helping you in STAGE 4.

• Don't click on any of the food and let Chef live. He will help you on STAGE 4 by dropping regeneration items.

• There is a random chance that the Cannon ball will spawn in this room. You will need it for Santa Orc Stage.

Fourth Rolling Pins
This is the last of the Rolling Pins (finally, I got tired of reading). There will be 2 gates in the Fourth Rolling Pin area. Before the 2nd gate, just clear the mobs by pushing or killing them. After the 2 gates, rush towards the end of the alley and you will see Orc Pak trying to break open a wall. Help him by using Super Armor breaking skills to crack it open. Go inside the room so you wont be killed by the rolling pin.

Hidden Ending Requirement: Don't let Orc Pak get rolled over. Don't kill Orc Pak.

• There is a random chance that the Cannon ball will spawn in this room. You will need it for Santa Orc Stage.

STAGE 3 - Orc Gim's Battle Arena

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Somehow, I feel this stage reminds me of Dragon Ball.. Don't ask why. ANYWAYS, Stage 3 is an arena which once you clear the mobs, the walls will fall down and suddenly more mobs come out. Pretty straightforward area. Just keep clearing the mobs until the 4th wall collapses. Once the walls collapse, Orc Gim will be gathering energy as if he were Goku. Stop him by either Killing him or using the Reed you collected in Stage 1. *See notes*

Hidden Ending Requirement: Use Reed on Orc Gim. Don't kill Orc Gim

Dodging Orc Gim's attacks 
 Orc Gim has 2 special attacks: Orc Stomp and Triple Orc Wave (Don't ask how I made those names)

• Orc stomp will cause HEAVY damage and inflict slow to everyone in the map. To dodge, just time your jump with Orc Gim's stomp when it says "Orc Gim is outbursting energy"

• Triple Orc Wave causes moderate to heavy damage depending on where you are standing. If you are standing in the middle of the wave, it will cause heavy damage, moderate damage if you are on the edge. Also causes confusion. Easy to dodge, just get out of line of fire. Orc Gim will nicely put a line before he shoots the lasers.
• There is a random chance that the Cannon ball will spawn in this room. You will need it for Santa Orc Stage.

• This is the last room to get the Cannon balls, if you haven't found them. Well tough luck for you. You can't see Santa Orc.

• If by chance you did not get Reed from the first stage (which is very minimal), you can choose to waste a blue heart by taking the damage from Orc Gim's final attack. It will still trigger the Hidden ending. 

 STAGE 4 - Blacksmith Little John and Santa Orc

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Little John's attack patterns are very confusing. It's like the Ogre from Apocalypse nest but harder to memorize. If you have a Guardian, cast provoke on Little John and lure him into a corner. Cast all defensive spells needed else, he will be able to kill you with his Lava Road, Spit Lava and his Nuke. His nuke is denoted by him stomping and giving one big pound to the ground infront of him. Deals about 200k damage and can 1 hit KO if not careful.

x4 HP - Little John will be casting Spit Lava, Flame Road, Spin attack as his regular attacks. Do not underestimate his flame attacks. Though they deal low damage, the duration of his flame skills can lower your health to critical levels.

x3 HP - Little John is going to cast Vacuum Anvil and Black out. Not really strong skills but Little John will trample you during this time. You can dodge Black out by timing your tumbles or jump with Little John's stomp however the black out effect will still pursue.

x2 HP - Little John will initiate his nuke attack if the aggro'd player is close enough. Will deal lethal damage without buffs or damage reduction spells.

After the battle, heal up and 2 areas will be opened: STAGE 5 and Santa Orc. *See Santa Orc Note*
Note : • There will be 2 cannons available however the remaining 2 players can still help by casting long range skills such as Punishing Swing EX, Scope Arrow EX, Detonating Arrow, Pingpong bombs, etc.

• Have at least 22 kills to get a royal chest on the last stage. Anything lower will give you a regular chest (:>) 

STAGE 5 - Typhoon Kim

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Typhoon Kim is probably one of the more complex bosses I've fought since SDN. But really, he is a predictable boss like his son, Gim. If you have a guardian, provoke Typhoon Kim and keep his back facing the other party members. Cast block whenever and heal if your HP reaches a dangerous point (probably 50%). Other members should keep a safe distance from Typhoon Kim and try to dodge some of his attacks.

He starts at x5 Health and does some standard attacks like Slow Front Shove, Heavy Slash and Rage.

x4 HP - He will cast Magical Integration Skill, which is basically a 5 wave burst, KO skill. Run towards the Orc Brothers to gain invulnerability for 5 seconds. During this time, you can rebuff your party members and continue the battle afterwards. Typhoon Kim will be casting this every HP bar (x3, x2, x1). You will be able to tank 2~3 waves of the Magical Integration skill if you have high enough Health, Light Defense and Armour buffs

x3 HP - Typhoon Kim will be gathering energy to his Guillotine. In normal language, that means GTFO he will cast a strong whirlwind skill. There is going to be a suction effect in the beginning as well so you might die if you tank the whole attack. If you have a Saint in the party, cast Holy Shield so that you will heal yourself full while tanking the Typhoon attack. If not, have the aggro'd player run away from other party members. Starting x3 he will be casting the Typhoon attack whenever he stomps. (This can be observed if he stomps and the ground around him cracks and goes red/black)

Additional attacks will be observed such as Berzerk, Guillotine Scyte, Flying Swing EX, Slow Swift Shot, Diving Slash and Slow Eclipse. He will be continuing to cast these.

x2 HP - Typhoon Kim will have an attack similar to Little John's nuke, but less lethal. Save your dodges and Wax cause he will be casting his Magical Integration skill once he hits x2.

x1 HP - He will be casting Berzerk more often and his attacks will be much, much stronger. But don't worry. Just play safe and you are good to go.

Congratulations! You've cleared Typhoon Kim Nest and enjoy the emotional ending. If you have completed Santa Orc, you will be getting a 3rd Chest which drops Santa orc pouches.
 IV. Miscellaneous


1. "Dont Open Royal Chest, good loots in end" - Chest drops are randomly generated not player triggered. Read a random number generator guide/explanation for god sakes.
2. "You die if you activate the switch in the 2nd roller" - False, a simple dodge after teleporting will help you survive
3. "Don't eat the food in the kitchen we wont get title" - False, you need to "FIND" the food. Eating the food will help you regenerate.

Main Enemy Skills Glossary and Descriptions:

Charge Attack - Charges aggro'd player and leaves mushrooms behind. Heavy Damage
Cleave Attack - Does a standard attack. Swings axe horizontally. Moderate Damage, causes lift.
Poison Road - Slams axe infront and charges forward. Leaves a trail of poisonous mushrooms. Initial attack deals moderate-heavy damage. Mushroom explosions deal heavy damage, causes lift.
Overhead Axe attack - Does a standard attack. Lifts axe and slams infront of Minotaur. Moderate damage, knocks down players that are hit.
Throw Mushroom - Throws explosive mushrooms to aggro'd player. Heavy Damage, Poison.
Mushroom Bombs - Summons 8(?) mushrooms and attacks all players on the map. Moderate Damage, Poison.
Debuffing Howl - Minotaur will howl for a few seconds. Any player caught in the howl will have their buffs removed.

Orc Kwok:
Charge - Charges aggro'd player with super armor. Moderate Damage.
Healing Aura dance - Healing aura. Grants super armor to self.
Throw Axe - Minimal damage, causes flinch.

Orc Gim:
Triple Orc Wave - Draws line of fire before casting. Moderate to heavy damage. Causes confusion.
Orc Stomp - Jumps in the air and stomps the ground. Heavy damage. Causes faint. Inflicts slow.
Energy Blast - Charges for 20 seconds. Deals KO damage.

Blacksmith Little John:
Lava Road - Charges aggro'd player. Deals minimal damage, Fire.
Spin Attack - Does a 360 degree turn hitting targets around him. Deals moderate damage, causes knock back.
Spit Lava - Spits Lava in an area front of Little John. Deals minimal damage, fire.
Lava Holes - Swings arm to fling players away then casts lava holes on where they land. Deals minimal damage, fire.
Vacuum Anvil - Throws an anvil front of Little John. Deals moderate damage. Vacuum effect.
Berzerk - Amplifies damage of all skills. Grants super armor to self.
Blackout - Charges self for a few seconds and jump-stomps. Lifts players into air. Causes black out for 5 seconds.
Trample - Little John goes into a rage swinging his arms and charging aggro'd player. Lasts 10 seconds. Deals heavy damage.
Nuke - Stomps first then pounds the area in front of Little John. Deals very heavy-KO damage. Stomp causes flinching.

Typhoon Kim:
Slow Front Shove - Slowly charges aggro'd player; at the end of charge Kim will swing his scythe 360 degress. Deals minimal-moderate damage
Heavy Slash - Swings his scythe in front of him. Deals moderate damage.
Rage - Points towards aggro'd player and quickly charges. Deals moderate damage. Lifts players that are hit.
Flying Swing EX - Similar to Destroyer's Flying swing EX. Deals moderate damage. Full wave deals heavy damage. Causes shock.
Slow Swift Shot - Swings scythe in front and then swings it 360 degrees. Deals moderate damage.
Diving Slash - Jumps and dives to aggro'd player. Deals heavy damage.
Guillotine Scythe - Lifts scythe in air and smashes the area in front of Kim. Deals very heavy damage. Causes shock.
Slow Eclipse - Makes a 360 degree swing. Only hits player infront. Deals moderate damage.
Berzerk - Releases shockwaves. Pushes players back. Causes shock.
Typhoon - Stomps ground. Ground will have cracks and red aura/linings. Kim will then start spinning. Deals heavy damage. Stomp and Whirlwind causes shock.
Magical Integration Skill - Typhoon Kim will collect all his magic power and release 5 shockwaves of lightning. Deals lethal damage.


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