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KHA'ZIX BUILD GUIDE: How to Fed KhaZix (LOL Build Guide)


Hi guys I''m DatAsheOPAz (IGN: TPs Knox) and this is my first guide in anything. I'm Silver 5 in Solo Queue (SCRUB!!!!) in Oceania. I main KhaZix and have great stats with this champ in lower elos. It's a great champ in Solo Queue and can fit in Top, Mid and Jungle.
Not much mechanics is need on this champ but i recommend smart cast in all of his abilities for instant burst.
KhaZix OP. This is a Late Game AD Assassin and is great champ with mobility. Q = Extreme Damage, W = Sustain (and poke), E = Reach enemy and escape, R = Stealth in Teamfights to do as much damage as possible. Overall really great kit.
He did get a massive nerf when you couldn't use W while in air (E) and the less damage it does but now it's damage is moved to Q.

 Armor Pen (Primary)

Marks: Having Armor Pen enhances KhaZix damage more than having Attack runes and also it's really nice to have it towards late game too.
Seals: This is just standard Armor for bit of tank early game. (Helps quite a lot when Jungling)
Glyphs: This is just standard Magic Resist for a bit of tank early game. (You can swap it with normal Magic Resist if against a AP Mid if playing mid)
Quintessences: This is standard Attack Damage for little more damage output early game.


Offense: It's based on high AD assassination and having Executioner is really strong as KhaZix burst real quick and this comes to action if they run out of pots just to enhance damage output. Spell weaving is quite great too for enhance damage. Other than that it's pretty standard.

Summoner Sets

Flash & Ignite
It's standard summoner sets. Having the flash is great because the enemy may flash after you used your leap and the flash will be there to finish off the kill
Teleport & Ignite
Teleport is great on KhaZix because of it's quick assassination if you use teleport to finish off to a location and as the enemy notice as they back off you can chase them with Leap or to roam.
Leap has the same distance as flash and when evolved it's almost double the range of flash.

Item Builds

Starting Build

 I recommend Damage Start just for more damage and quicker to rush your way to Brutaliser saving some money.
But Flask for sustain and used to poke your enemy to deny their farm, KhaZix should have good laning phase for quicker Snowball. He is also quick mana hungry at first if you spam abilities (W and E).
Red pot build is for vsing melee like Riven as he is one of the best 1 v 1 (Best at late game and if they're isolated)

Final Build(s)

Rushing brutaliser is really great on KhaZix as he does massive amounts of damage because of the Armor Pen and if they're isolated, you'll come out on top for the kill.
Tiamat is great to quickly clear out minions around you to get your enemy isolated

Build Order 

 Rushing Brutaliser is a must as his Q and E will have a better cooldown as they're both great for quick initiation and if spammed, you can deal so much more damage to force them out of lane. The Tiamat works together with the Life Steal and quick minion wave clear in lane so you can push quick and roam. After pushing your tower, Lucidity boots are there to roam quicker.

Now you would rush the Last Whisper as Armor Pen is real strong on KhaZix late game the Armor pen gives one shot potential against squishy. You can now duel with Bruisers easily.

Ravenous is there to help output extreme damage and split pushing quicker becasue KhaZix is one of the strongest split pushers because he can deal with anyone that trys to stop him from split pushing (Easily 1 v 1) so this relieves team fights.

The Blackcleaver shouldn't be rushed because of the little extra damage increase and during laning phase, your enemy would run away before you could you the Cleavers passive as you should win many trades. But in late game, if they're is a enemy caught out you can easily 1 v 1.

Shen is there for the passive (Spell Blade) this deals much damage after your abilities are in cooldown since your build as much damage as possible. Trinity Force will be the last thing you rushed into as you only use Shens passive.

The bloodthirster is there to give an extreme boost in damage output and makes him unstoppable. The extra lifesteal there if your low because KhaZix is the one that has to be in teamfights to finish off enemys. So getting back health quick is ideal.

Situational Items

Hextech Gunblade
This is not a great item in KhaZix at all but if you have evolved W, the spellvamp will heal you a lot when facing many minions. Also late game when 1 v 1 Q can spellvamp a decent amount of HP every 2 or 3 seconds can make some plays

Guardian Angel
This item can definitely replace Trinity force or Bloodthirster as KhaZix is the main damage dealer in your team and just burst down anyone quickly, if you get caught or focused this is real good plus the tank is great if your in Steath (Ult) for tanking some AOE damage.

Mercurial Scimitar
This item can also replace Trinity force or Bloodthirster. It gives you a great amount of extra AD and the MR as APC trouble KhaZix more than any others most of the time. The passive is what makes it real great incase you get CC hard and your team is not doing damage, you can quickly get back into the action.

Boots of Mobility
 This is a great Jungler item as you can chase enemys quick to land your Q and KhaZix is a great roamer to Assassinate Quick.

Skill Order

 Maxing Q is standard for Quick Assassination. But Maxing W is good to for Poke (lvl 1 Q is still good for finishing off) and great sustain.


Unseen Threat
Always use to poke enemy when close and use before a Q because of the slow it gives and follow up with Q and even a W if he decides to trade back closely and the heal from W will bring the trade to your advantage significantly. Refresh it by being unseen for enemy.

Taste Their Fear
Using this is great when they're isolated so use W first if they're not isolated yet
When evolved, you deal extra damage (8% of enemy's missing health)

Void Spike
Using it and if you hit blast radius of the spikes for self heal (Sustain)
When evolved, you get to shot 3 spikes for bigger poke but doesn't enhance heal

 Great to reach enemy quickly and escape skill shots or ganks. (Can jump over walls). You're can still be CC in air and you're not untargetable.

When evolved, you get a massive Range distance and resets when Getting assist or kill. (Leaping into the enemy to finish of is great to stay defence and after reset you can start chasing another enemy)

Void Assault
A ability to stay stealth in the middle of a Teamfight to do as much damage possible. But also to juke enemys for escape. And gives you unseen threat again so use your unseen threat first before ult and also if they escape the ult's move speed will reach them and hitting them with another Unseen Threat will slow them down to secure kill.

Evolve: Q > E > W
Alternative: W > E > R (More defensive and when troubled)
Alternative: W > E > Q (Poke)

Champion Matchups

 KhaZix is really strong against ADC's as they're really squishy and many of them that can kite, KhaZix can leap to them to kill. He is also really strong when attacking champs with little CC or no escape so you don't get kited to death (Quite Squishy, Armor is not worth for him).

Early Game

Early Game KhaZix is great when vsed Melee because you can land Q to trade. Your W is great to just slow them if you do surpass the enemys trade and if they flash, your leap is there and land more Q. KhaZix can quickly force enemys out of lane if the enemy decide to trade more but fails so you could win laning quite successfully.

Mid Game

If jungler lends you Blue, you can force enemy really hard out of lane and decide to roam. His mid game in Teamfights is not the best yet but still does massive damage to finish of. If you're able to KS the kills (Real good thing to do), you'll be able to get items (Ravenous and Last Whisper). You'll be able to split push as it's really hard for the enemy team to stop you as you can duel them easy. The enemy team will have to not initiate a team fight. The split push to help your team a lot.

Late Game

A successful KhaZix (FED AZZZ) will easily carry game as you can just 2 - 5 shot enemys with your Q and if the enemy champion is caught out, you can kill really quick. He does require Blue if he stays in the battlefield for long as he consumes all mana when we spam W for the poke.


In team fights, you need to know if they're trying to focus you down which they should if you got your items (Ravenous and Last Whisper) and if you do engage to battle don't leap into it and when your in the middle of it, use ult if being CC so enemy that try to find you do waste time and avoid tanks when killing. ADC > APC > Others. Or someone that's really strong in the other team you can burst down. You also have the E reset when you get kill or assist so remember to use it wisely either to finish off or escape.


When KhaZix got he W nerf, he was able to W while in air.
Auto Attack > Q rather than Q >Auto > Auto Attack
Leap (E) and Q in air. Great for ganking. (Smartcast this for instant burst (Q))
This is a great speed mechanics when attacking:
Auto Attack > Q > Auto Attack > Ravenous > Auto Attack > W (This combo is a chain and gives a realistic attack speed illusion.


In the end, KhaZix is champion that can Take you out of LOW ELO (Bronze, Silver) and others. it works really well for me and I prefer him mid.




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