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[League Of Legend] Low Elo Jungling with Udyr


this guide I will be going over some of the building guide lines, champion matchups and some general jungling tips for playing Udyr in low elo games.
Udyr is a tanky DPS champion with no ultimate, capable of morphing into different animals at will to gain different bonuses on his auto attacks. Udyr can be really influential in solo queue games since most players underestimate how high his damage output is, making you able to perform highly effective ganks. Having a stun as one of your basic skills makes it a lot easier to get a kill whilst ganking, it all just comes down to your timing and jungle path. Making sure that you aren’t spotted by any wards or enemies can pretty much guarantee a successful gank. A gank is successful if you make the enemy player waste his summoner spells or in the best scenario if you get a kill or two.

Jungle Matchups

Instead of listing all jungle matchups, I'm going to list the most popular champions you can encounter in the jungle and some tips on how to gain an advantage over them.
Lee Sin with his high mobility and potential path route changes is a quite a tough match up, he can alter his jungling route to counter jungle you as much as possible, therefore you need good coverage for the buff that you decide to do second. Although Lee Sin has high mobility you can easily out duel him because of your stun.

Jarvan is a really easy match up against Udyr, he has a very slow jungle clear and mainly depends on his ganks to gain a potential advantage. You have to counter jungle him as much as possible due to the fact that he can't fight you at all, as he has a very poor duelling potential and therefore you should try and fight him as much as possible.

Nunu is potentially the best counter jungler in the game due to his "Consume" ability. He can inflict a lot of damage on you due to his ranged slow. Therefore you have to build an item that grants you tenacity to avoid the "Ice Blast". If you see Nunu firing up his ultimate you have to stun straight away to avoid as much damage as possible.

Shyvana is a very even match up against Udyr, she also has high mobility and a fast jungle clear. You can't underestimate her in a duel, although she lacks abilities with crowd control. She has got a high damage output so if you find yourself in a fight with her, you have to keep switching between your abilities to win that fight.

Nocturne is not a tanky champion in the early game, therefore you should contest his buffs as much as possible. You really need to keep your jungle timers right, if you go too early you're losing potential gold that you could be getting from a gank, which could also secure an objective such as dragon, a tower or by even clearing another jungle camp.

How to Build Udyr

I'm going to list some of the most influential items you can buy on Udyr to help you with your game, but most of the time the items you buy depend on the enemy team, who is fed and, most important of all, is what your team needs.
+500 Health
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%.
Spirit of the Ancient Golem is one of the most important jungle items you can get. Not only does it reduce slows but makes clearing out camps in the jungle a lot easier. It is really important you get this item early on, so that you can influence the lanes as much as possible and as early as possible.

+30 Attack Damage
+30 Ability Power
+30% Attack Speed
+10% Critical Strike Chance
+8% Movement Speed
+250 Health
+200 Mana
UNIQUE Passive - Rage: Basic attacks grant 20 Movement Speed for 2 seconds. Kills grant 60 Movement Speed instead. This Movement Speed bonus is halved for ranged champions.
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 200% of base Attack Damage on hit (2 second cooldown).
Trinity Force is one of the strongest items in the game, any jungler that truly benefits from all the stats it gives should get it. Trinity Force is quite an expensive item, especially for a jungler considering how much gold you are getting. Therefore purchasing Trinity Force comes down to how well you are doing; if you are doing well you should definitely go for it so that your damage output increases and your ganks are even more deadly.

+30 Ability Power
+500 Mana
+70 Armor
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack (on hit) deals bonus physical damage equal to 125% of base Attack Damage to enemies near the target, and creates a field around the target for 2 seconds that slows enemy Movement Speed by 30% (2 second cooldown, half-sized field if ranged).
Iceborn Gauntlet is a really strong, gank oriented item, with pretty much every single auto attack slowing down the opposition champion. His surroundings means that pretty much any gank you pull off will turn out to be successive.


Using these tips on how to build Udyr and how to play against certain matchups should make any player who wants to master Udyr a lot more confident before starting up that Solo Queue. Although you can learn all these things about what to build and how to play other champions, in the end it all comes down to your decision making. Deciding whether to gank bot lane or do red buff could be crucial at times, as much as you have to listen to your teammates and take what they say into consideration.
At the end of the day the final decision comes down to you, if you see a potential kill plus an objective at top lane, don’t go rushing down to bot just because people are mad at you since their lane is being bullied. You have to think in advance and make every step count and think about your overall goal, which is destroying the enemy nexus.
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