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[Guide] Dance Of Death - Blade Dancer (Pvp + Pve) Build

So Kali us just around the corner and I decided to make a guide for Blade Dancers. I have been playing Blade Dancer in KDN for awhile, playing both PvE and PvP aspects. This guide will explain each skill and justifications for getting it as well. This build focuses on both PvP and PvE aspects, but may not be the best of both worlds.

Blade Dancers focus on dishing out insane damage with an "acrobatic" skill set. Compared to the Spirit Dancer counterpart, Blade Dancers are able to deal higher overall DPS. Most skills have insane skill % multiplier, thus can largely benefit from having high Physical Attack.

On the flip-side, Blade Dancers generally have smaller area coverage compared to their counterpart and most key skills (Gust Dementia, Elegance Storm) have quite a long cooldown.

+ Deals enough damage to be considered primary DPS in parties
+ Very viable to go U or L grade set due to almost permanent FD buff
+ Extremely mobile
+ Possesses skills with i-frame

- Most key skills have quite a long cooldown
- Area coverage of skills ins't impressive as the Spirit Dancer counterparts
- Skills have long cast time
- Can be difficult to master

A Blade Dancer's primary stat is STR, which will provide the most damage. AGI should be second priority for the all important Critical. VIT is important as well; Blade Dancers are quite squishy. Final Damage isn't as important due to a skill that provides almost permanent 50% Final Damage boost.

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Posted Image Soul Wind
Releases 2 magical projectiles that damages enemies.
Dark Attack

PvE: One of Kali's default skill. It's basically a Twin Shot that deals Magic damage. There is no need to level it for obvious reasons.
PvP: Can be used from afar, similar to Twin Shot when everything is on cooldown. Note that unlike Twin Shot, there is a projectile travel delay for this skill.
Details: 2 hits; 50% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Sting Breeze
Charges 3m attacking foes on the way, then launching foes up in the air.
PvE: One of Kali's default skill. The charging motion deals total of 3 hits, while the launching attack deals 1 hit. Don't level it; damage isn't impressive and skill is really meant for utility purposes only.
PvP: A good skill that can lift enemies. Do note that the charging motion does not hit downed targets, however the final launch attack does.
Details: 3 charging hits; 10% board damage per hit. Launching hit; 70% board damage.

Posted Image Fancy Turn
Performs a rotation, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
PvE: One of Kali's default skill. Officially the most useless skill. Damage isn't high nor does it have any utility. Does not cause stagger and the skill animation is too slow to be useful. Shouldn't be leveled unless for trolling purposes.
PvP: The skill only induces short paralysis. The animation delay gets longer if the targets have high super armor, which further reduces the usefulness. This skill is worthy of skill-bar removal.
Details: 3 hits; 33.33% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Despair Needle
Conjures a region of despair 3m ahead. For 5s, spikes will impale all enemies in the region.
Dark Attack

PvE: Very similar to Poison Missile, albeit the hit rate isn't as impressive. However, still serves the purpose of immobilizing mobs due to the paralysis effect from the skill. Good to learn the skill for utility.
PvP: Can be used to lock down enemy targets in middle of combo. Do note that downed targets will automatically wake up after 3 hits due to the low hit rate. It is advised to immediately chain another skill (ex. Sting Breeze) to prevent the target from waking up.
Details: 10 hits; 10% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Negative Ghost
Summons negative spirits to damage nearby enemies, preventing monsters from attacking for 4s.
Dark Attack

PvE: The skill works on most bosses. To get or not to get; it is subjective. Personally, I don't see a need to buy 4s, especially with all the mobility and i-frame that a Blade Dancer possesses. Might be useful in terms of team-play perspective. Can be learned if really needed.
PvP: Useless in PvP. Does not prevent enemies from attacking, so it's just an AoE skill that does absolutely nothing but bite your enemies.
Details: TBA

Posted Image Spirit Blow
Conjures a mighty spirit to crush the frontal area. Has high super armor destruction.
PvE: Powerful skill that deals high damage. It greatly resembles Circle Break, in terms of super armor destruction capability and cast time. Getting it to Lv6 is nice for the damage boost and is needed anyways to unlock the Dancer tree.
PvP: One of your essential skill that can destroy skills with very high super armor (ex. Flying Swing). It immediately lifts enemies into the air. It has a slow cast time and you'll be airborne while casting, leaving you quite vulnerable.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Phantom Guard
Conjures a shield that is applied to all allies in the area. Portion of the damage taken is blocked and dealt to MP instead. Mana cost of all skills are reduced while under the effect.
PvE: The skill increases super armor by as well, which makes the long cast time a bit more reliable. One can almost permanent be under this effect if spammed whenever the skill is off cooldown. Max it, it's a good party buff.
PvP: Doesn't really help that much as the super armor boost isn't that much. You'll also be needing all the MP you have in case the battle becomes a turtle fest. Could be useful in group PvP where you need that extra super armor.

Posted Image Spirit of Genie
Summons a Genie that increases the stats (STR, AGI, INT, VIT) of all nearby allies.
PvE: Kali's free Lv35 skill. An increase of 80% to all stats. Why wouldn't you get this?
PvP: Doesn't seem to affect anything in Comp On. Does affect stats in Comp Off and Ladder albeit for 5 seconds only.

Posted Image Slight Turn
Upon pressing the [Special Attack Button], rotates and kicks targets in front.
PvE: Kali's special attack. Basically, you perform a quick kick.
PvP: The kick causes staggering, similar to Slap Attack. The cast animation is pretty quick by default and does not have plate to improve animation.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

 Posted Image Soul Kiss
Upon pressing the [Special Attack Button] near a downed enemy, rapidly damages the enemy.
PvE: One of Kali's default skill.
PvP: Similar to Cleric's Stomping Kick, except it lasts longer. The last hit will cause the enemy to be slightly airborne, allowing it to be chained with skills (ex. Sting Breeze).
Details: 5 hits; 20% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Turning Step
PvE: Kali's Tumble, nothing too special. Max it.
PvP: Remember, this skill has i-frame; everyone should know by now.

Posted Image Return Spin
Upon pressing the [Special Attack Button] near a stunned enemy, instantly kicks the enemy up.
PvE: Blade Dancers do not have skills that have high stun rate. Even if stun is induced, other skills can be used to deal much more damage than using this nonsense. Don't learn it.
PvP: Firstly, good luck stunning enemies in PvP. Secondly, on a rare occasion you get a stun, other skills can be used (ex. Sting Breeze) to lift the enemy.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Ghost Kick
Upon pressing the [Special Attack Button] while airborne, dives down forward. Upon hitting a target, performs a jump backwards.
PvE: A lot of Blade Dancer skills leave you hanging in the air, which makes you vulnerable during that period. Ghost Kick is a great way to escape quickly towards a desired direction. Learn it for the utility.
PvP: Not extremely useful; can cause more combo breakers than successful combos. It does cause enemies to stagger on impact, which can be useful. However, aiming the kick is pretty difficult unless your target is stationary.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Slave Hand
Upon pressing the [Normal Attack Button] while in downed state, summons a dark hand that immediately helps Kali up, while damaging nearby enemies.
PvE: Has an extremely quick animation. Learn it.
PvP: On top of the quick animation, you can use Turning Step immediately right after waking up. The skill causes knock back which you can use that moment to close the distance immediately.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Dummy Ghost
Upon getting hit, double tap the directional key or press Shift and the direction key to evade towards that direction, leaving behind a talisman that explodes in a few seconds. Nearby monsters will change their attack priority to the dummy.
PvE: Helps you escape dire situations as well as leaving behind a dummy which pulls enemy aggro. Max it for the reduction in cooldown.
PvP: Unlike Urgency Trick, the travel distance of this skill is much further; roughly twice the distance of Turning Step. On the downside, this skill can only be activated in paralysis or knock back. If you are slightly airborne or downed, you won't be able to use this skill to escape.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Aerial Evasion
PvE: Ensures that you can escape if you get tossed into the air. Max it for the reduction in cooldown.
PvP: This will be your only way to escape when you are combo-locked. You don't have any other skill to help you escape. Use this sparingly at crucial moments; don't spam it whenever you are tossed into the air.

Posted Image Physical Mastery
PvE: All the extra HP you can get is helpful. Max it.

Posted Image Mental Mastery
PvE: Learning it to unlock Mental Mastery.

Posted Image Mental Training
PvE: You'll be needing all the MP recovery that you can get. Phantom Armor can cause your MP pool to decrease quite quickly. Max it for maximum MP recovery.

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Posted Image Breeze Call Dance
Performs a quick dance that damages nearby enemies, recovering a bit of HP and temporarily obtains the [Strengthen Blade] buff. While in [Strengthen Blade] status, all damage received are reduced and increases final damage whenever a skill from [Blade Dance] tree is used.
Has a shared cooldown with Illusion Dance

PvE: The skill that makes Blade Dancer's DPS insane. At max, you have an increase of 50% FD. This increase is not based on your FD, the increase is flat 50%. Which means that if you have 0 FD, you'll still deal 1.5x your damage. Only skills that are in the Blade Dancer tree are affected. This skill should be used before you use any major DPS skills for maximum damage output. This is a must max as duration increases along with the damage reduction, HP recovery and final damage bonus. Skill accessory increases the FD bonus to 60%, so it's a definite must.
PvP: In PvP, the FD increase is reduced to 25%, which is still quite absurd. Do note the very important HP recovery of this skill. In terms of Lv60 Comp On PvP, Kali has 90k HP. This would mean a heal of 3.6k HP every time you use this skill.
Details: 2 hits; 50% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Breeze Call
Generates wind that pulls enemy towards you and increases the critical rate of all [Blade Dance] skills by 30% for 5s. Can be activated by pressing the [Special Attack] button after using any [Blade Dance] skills.
PvE: Another skill that drastically improves your damage output. Breeze Call Dance and this skill should be used in conjunction to deal maximum damage. The suction effect is very useful for gathering mobs. Learn it, only has 1 level.
PvP: The critical bonus remains at 30% even in PvP, which means even more damage output in PvP. This skill can hit downed units as well.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Graze Dance
Attacks the frontal area 2 times, followed by quick multiple attacks.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: A pretty weak skill. The first 2 hits deals a lot of damage, while the quick attacks afterwards isn't painful at all. Without the EX, this skill isn't all that good due to the slow cast time. Get it to Lv16 for the damage boost which will be useful once you have the EX. In the leveling process, you can choose to leave this at Lv1.
PvP: Not very useful. The slow cast time usually destroys your combo. The first hit cannot hit downed unit, while the second hit can. You'll probably have to cancel the skill after the 2nd hit to properly connect your combo. Only the 2nd hit can cause a wall-bounce if used against the wall. Without the EX, this skill really has very limited uses.
Details: Initial 2 hits; 20% board damage per hit. 6 rampage hits; 10% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Sweet Circle
Throws both chakrams which deals damage to nearby enemies.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: A decent skill with good damage and short cooldown. Only downside is the cast time, which is pretty slow. The skill consists of 3 hits, the last hit being when the chakram returns. Note that the last hit deals a lot of damage. Coupled with Breezecall, you can easily clear mobs. Get it to Lv11 for the damage boost. The skill will deal incredible damage with short cooldown, especially after you obtain the EX.
PvP: Due to the slow cast time, would have to be canceled after the 2nd hit most of the times. However, this skill can actually hit airborne units that are slightly above you. Cancelling enemy Aerial Evasion with this skill is possible.
Details: Initial 2 hits; 30% board damage per hit. Return hit; 40% board damage.

Posted Image Twinkle Spin
Launches enemies in front into the air, then rapidly spins in air dealing damage to enemies.
Invincible while spinning in air
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: Pretty short cooldown with high damage. Only downside is the AoE coverage; it's extremely small. This skill is more ideal when used against small groups or single target. The i-frame is present only while you spin in the air. Do note that you'll be vulnerable so you'll need to follow up with Ghost Kick or Refreshing Screw.
PvP: Might seem useful but is limited in terms of connecting combo. There is not enough time to connect with another skill due to the landing time. Your only way is to pretty much connect with Refreshing Screw. The EX makes it much more flexible.
Details: Launch hit; 30% board damage. 7 spinning hits; 10% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Deadly Drill
Travels forward while rotating in a screw-like manner, damaging enemies in the way. Upon pressing the [Normal Attack Button], immediately ends the skill and performs the final hit. Can be activated by pressing the [Jump Button] while airborne.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: Another skill that has high damage and short cooldown, with small AoE coverage. It should be noted that the highest damage is dealt at the final blow, which makes this skill more geared towards single targets. Usually used after Twinkle Spin. I-frame exists while travelling forward. The hit-box isn't really that impressive, thus leave it at Lv6. Getting Sweet Circle and Twinkle Spin to Lv11 would be more ideal. The skill still does deal a hefty amount of damage even at Lv6.
PvP: Effective if used against a wall. The most reliable way to connect from Twinkle Spin. You can also use this to travel distances or escape dire situations.
Details: 7 travel hits; 5% board damage per hit. Final hit; 65% board damage.

Posted Image Elegant Storm
Conjures a chakram whirlwind, walking forward slowly as the whirlwind takes effect.
Damage taken reduced by 30% while casting
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: One of your key damage skills. The amount of damage it deals is insane, though suffering a pretty long cooldown. Always ensure to do Breezecall Dance + Breezecall before using this. Do note that the cast time is quite long, so you might have to cancel it if evasion is necessary. This is a must max, just look at the damage. Do note that getting a skill accessory will greatly benefit this skill.
PvP: Hurts badly in PvP. It can hit downed enemies for the whole duration of the skill. You'll need to quickly follow up with Mist Step or Abolisher to successfully connect your combo. Enemies with a source of escape (ex. Escape, Urgency Trick, etc) can easily avoid the skill. Ensure to waste all source of evasion before using this.
Details: Initial 10 hits; 9% board damage per hit. Final hit; 10% board damage.

Posted Image Inner Fire
Quickly dashes forward and starts a chakram rampage in the destination area. [Normal Attack Button] can be pressed while dashing forward to immediately start the chakram rampage at the current position.
Invincible while performing chakram rampage
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect (PvE only)

PvE: A very powerful skill. The i-frame makes you able to get the full hit without problems. Ensure that Breezecall Dance + Breezecall is used before you cast this. The skill has quite a large AoE along with a suction effect. The final hit launches the targets up into the air.
PvP: Can be used to decimate enemies if they can't escape from it, especially due to the suction effect. Can be used to set-up other ultimate skills from teammates easily due to the i-frame it provides. One thing to note is that the dashing motion does not have i-frame, so the skill can be canceled.
Details: 17 rampage hits; 5% board damage per hit. Final explosion hit; 15% board damage.

 Posted Image Illusion Dance
Performs a quick dance that damages nearby enemies, recovering a bit of HP and temporarily obtains the [Strengthen Spirit] buff. While in [Strengthen Spirit] status, all damage received are reduced and increases final damage whenever a skill from [Spirit Dance] tree is used.
Has a shared cooldown with Breezecall Dance

PvE: It's basically Breezecall Dance for the Spirit Dancer skills. Shouldn't be used at all due to the shared cooldown, you'll want to only use Breezecall Dance. Learned to unlock other skills.
PvP: Should never be used. Use Breezecall Dance.
Details: 2 hits; 50% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Illusion Gaze
Summons wisps to attack enemies in the frontal area and improves action speed of all [Spirit Dance] skills by 15% for 10s. Can be activated by pressing the [Special Attack] button after using any [Spirit Dance] skills.
PvE: In terms of utility, it doesn't affect Blade Dance skills. Not really useful but needed to unlock Abolisher. Can be used as a filler every time you use a Spirit Dance skill. Has quite a long frontal range. Note that Illusion Gaze has a pretty long i-frame as long as you stand still after casting it. It's long enough to dodge Tracking Arrows.
PvP: Can be used after using Duskhunter or Abolisher to connect combo. Not needed but can be used as a filler to deal extra damage.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Stalker
Summons Stalker. Stalker follows an enemy and explodes on contact, dealing damage in the area. The skill cannot be used if there are no valid targets nearby.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect

PvE: Has no real use. The explosion AoE is small, the cast time is long and the damage isn't too impressive. Plus, you won't be using Illusion Dance for the final damage boost. Stalker seems to home to the nearest target. Learned for unlocking Duskhunter.
PvP: On contact, stalker causes staggering which is actually useful. The casting range itself is quite large. Can be used before engaging to cause enemies to constantly run away from stalker. Do note that stalker cannot pass through obstacles and will disappear after a while.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Dusk Hunter  
Conjures Duskhunter. Duskhunter pushes enemies forward, then fires a powerful arrow.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect

PvE: Similar to Stalker, doesn't have much use. Learned to unlock Abolisher.
PvP: The skill consists of 2 hits, the initial push attack and then the arrow attack. The push attack causes paralysis while the arrow causes stagger. Note that the arrow has a bit of range, thus can be used to stagger enemies from a range.
Details: Push hit; 20% board damage. Arrow hit; 80% board damage.

Posted Image Abolisher
Conjures Abolisher. Abolisher punches all enemies in the frontal area towards the air. Can be activated by pressing [Normal Attack Button] after [Turning Step].
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect

PvE: Pretty useful for launching enemies into the air. Note that after using this skill, you'll slightly jump allowing you to use Ghost Kick afterwards. While in air, you'll have i-frame. Learned for the utility and shouldn't be leveled.
PvP: Make use of the i-frame which is very useful. A good skill that launches enemies up into the air. The super armor destruction isn't very high though. Useful for connecting combos.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image Sufi Dancer
Summons 4 Sufi Dancer directly in front. The Sufi Dancers spins rapidly and slowly travels away from each other, dealing damage to enemies.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect

PvE: Deals quite a lot of damage. However, as a Blade Dancer, you won't be able to benefit from Illusion Dance. Consists of 2 attack stages, first when you summon the Sufi Dancers and when the Sufi Dancers deal the damage itself. Not learned because skill points can be invested elsewhere.
PvP: Actually very useful for pinning down enemies. I personally don't find it necessary to perform infinite combos.
Details: TBA

Posted Image General Dunblade
Conjures General Dawnblade. Dawnblade attacks 3 times while moving forward.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect

PvE: Consists of 3 attacks with high damage and large AoE. As with other Spirit Dancer skills, it's not worth getting due to the absence of Illusion Dance.
PvP: Can be easily dodged. Best to use in combo, against a wall.
Details: TBA

Posted Image Storm of Ewiniar
Temporarily transforms into Ewinia, the god of storms. Ewiniar generates a large cyclone that damages enemies and lifts them up into the air for the duration.
Invincible while transformed
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Spirit] is in effect (PvE only)

PvE: Basically a mobile Cyclone Axe. Extremely large AoE with high damage. Again, Illusion Dance is not there to maximize the damage.
PvP: Better than Inner Fire in terms of control as enemies can actually escape from Inner Fire.
Details: TBA

 Posted Image Ecstatic Dance
Performs a dance that summons a [Monster] type. Within a 15m radius of the [Monster], party members are buffed or enemy members are de-buffed depending on the dance.
Damage taken reduced by 50% while casting

Summons [Ghoul]. Activate by pressing [Normal Attack Button] after dancing for 0.5s.
Effect: Weakens all enemies in the area, dealing extra damage every time the affected enemies are hit.

Summons [Orc]. Activate by pressing [Special Attack Button] after dancing for 0.5s.
Effect: Heals the HP of all allies every 1s for 5s.

PvE: Extremely potent skill. At max, the Ghoul dance deals 3360 damage per hit. This makes it extremely easy for Dancers to solo early Abyss dungeons in the leveling process with mediocre gears. Ghoul dance should be used in conjunction with fast hitting skills such as Despair Needle. As for the Orc dance, the heal amount is at a total of (14.25% of max HP) + 45000, which is quite a lot. However, in terms of Lv60, Ecstatic Dance Part 2 should be mainly used as 3360 damage isn't a lot at this point. Thus, leaving it at Lv1 would be wise. Can be maxed with the remaining skill points though, as the heal is still slightly attractive.
PvP: Pretty hard to use in PvP. The casting time leaves you temporarily vulnerable. Damage can be impressive, given the high-combo nature of Blade Dancer's skills. Ghoul dance can be set up with a Despair Needle lock.

Posted Image Ecstatic Dance Part 2
Summons [Dark Elf]. Activate by pressing [Normal Attack Button] after dancing for 1.5s.
Effect: Provides a buff which makes allies deal extra damage. Damage scales higher if damaged enemies have lower HP.
15s duration
Damage bonus limit at 70%

PvE: The 1.5s can be gauged by observing the dance visuals. If Kali's body starts glowing yellow, that means 1.5s has passed. Much better compared to the Ghoul dance for later levels. At max, extra 1% damage is dealt per 1% missing. This means you'll receive the maximum bonus damage when enemies have 70% of their HP missing. It will be ideal to get a skill accessory for this to increase the bonus to extra 1.25% damage per 1% missing. Just be careful when you use it, you'll be vulnerable for 1.5s. Note that in actuality, the buff will last for a total of 17s due to the buff having 2s duration.
PvP: Even harder to successfully cast in PvP due to the 1.5s. However, if successfully done, the damage boost is insane. There is no difference in PvE and PvP value. Can be very useful in group PvP.

Posted Image Ecstatic Dance Part 3
Summons [Minotaur]. Activate by pressing [Special Attack Button] after dancing for 1.5s.
Effect: Provides a buff which increases max HP of all allies, as well as increasing HP recovery effect.
50s duration
HP recovery increased by 30%

PvE: Personally, I didn't get this. At max, increases max HP by 100000. I would use the Dark Elf dance for the damage boost.
PvP: Not very worth using. Using Orc dance to heal your HP would ultimately be more worth it.

Posted Image Sinia Turn
Activate by pressing [Special Attack Button]. Leaps forward and performs a kick in a large arc.
PvE: Good for mobility. Can be used to push enemies. Damage isn't too bad but it's more of an utility skill; learn it but don't invest more on it.
PvP: Great engaging skill. Travels in a pretty fast motion and the final kick causes enemies to stagger. Can be used against wall as well.
Details: Initial 6 hits; 10% board damage per hit. Final hit; 40% board damage.

Posted Image Mist Step
Temporarily dashes at a quick pace. Can be activated by pressing [Jump Button] after using [Turning Step]. While dashing, [Attack Button] can be pressed to activate an extra attack.
[Normal Attack Button]: Performs a large slash, pushing enemies in front.
[Special Attack Button]: Kicks enemies up into the air then jump backwards.

PvE: Another good mobility skill. Not really impressive in damage. Learn it but don't invest on it.
PvP: Another great engaging skill. You'd usually use Special Attack to launch your foe into the air. Do note that the jump distance is quite far, thus you'd want to jump backwards towards the target. You can easily follow up with Sting Breeze or Abolisher. Mist Step is also great as a follow up for Elegance Storm. The Normal Attack only really has its uses only against the wall. It doesn't cause staggering, but does push enemies slightly.
Details: 1 hit; 100% board damage.

Posted Image

Posted Image Squall Flaker
Evades incoming hits and performs a counterattack. After performing the counterattack, [Normal Attack Button] can be pressed to rapidly spin and rise up into the air, launching all nearby enemies up together.
Invincible for 0.5s after activation
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: Skill that heavily resembles Evasion Slash. It consists of 2 stages, the counterattack and launching attack. The i-frame is only present for 0.5s after casting it, which is the counterattack stage. There is no i-frame during the launching attack phase, where you'll be extremely vulnerable as you'll be airborne. Leaving at Lv1 would be the ideal choice. In terms of damage, Squall Flaker doesn't do much for you. Even at Lv6, the damage isn't impressive. Furthermore, it's really quite dangerous to perform the airborne attack.
PvP: The counterattack causes staggering, which is reminiscent to Evasion Slash. The launch attack shouldn't really be used in PvP. It isn't exactly easy to connect combo after using the launch attack. One way would be to use Refreshing Screw. If the enemy was already high up in the air when casting the skill, Abolisher or Sting Breeze can be used to follow up after the launch attack. Remember to make use of the i-frame whenever you can.
Details: Counterattack hit; 100% board damage. 5 flying hits; 20% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Graze Dance EX
Improves Graze Dance. Increases the animation speed by 30%, generates a condensed blade sphere that attacks nearby enemies at a very fast rate for 2s.
Sphere deals additional 30% damage
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: The EX makes the skill so much better. The overall cast time is vastly improved and the additional sphere immobilizes enemies. The sphere has quite a moderate area coverage. A must learn.
PvP: The hit rate is extremely quick that it makes it impossible for enemies to move, essentially functioning like Poison Missile. This makes the skill perfect for locking enemies to buy time for skills such as Spirit Blow. The sphere is able to hit enemies that are downed as well.
Details: Initial 2 hits; 20% board damage per hit. Followup hit; 30% board damage. 12 sphere hits; 5% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Hurricane Gust
Rolls forward, launching enemies up into the air and dragging them along.
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: Your key skill as a Blade Dancer. Deals extremely high damage with good super armor and super armor destruction. The downside is the long cooldown as well as limited width coverage of the skill. Always use Breezecall Dance + Breezecall for maximum damage.
PvP: A killer skill. Deals a huge amount of damage and is very easy to hit. The only downside is the slight delay when you cast the skill. Can be used to initiate combo or simply as a burst.
Details: 20 hits; 5% board damage per hit.

Posted Image Sweet Circle EX
Improves Sweet Circle. Increases the animation speed by 30%. After Chakrams return to the hand, [Normal Attack Button] can be pressed to quickly release the Chakram again, dealing additional damage.
Extra attack deals additional 50% damage
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: A big improvement from Sweet Circle. The animation is much faster which makes the skill much more reliable. The extra damage boost is actually huge (50%). Note that the 50% damage boost comes from the additional hit, which has a pretty quick animation.
PvP: Potentially one of the best skill to cancel Aerial Evasion. The aerial hit-box of the skill is pretty good, so make use of it well.
Details: Initial 2 hits; 30% board damage per hit. Return hit; 40% board damage. Additional hit; 50% board damage.

Posted Image Twinkle Spin EX
Improves Twinkle Spin. Increases the animation speed by 30%. While spinning in the air, [Normal Attack Button] can be pressed to knock enemies to the ground.
Increases damage by 30%
Increases final damage if [Strengthen Blade] is in effect

PvE: A pretty nice improvement in terms of animation and damage. However, this does mean that the skill has less i-frame period as the spinning animation is faster.
PvP: Allows you to successfully connect with other skills after using Twinkle Spin (no longer limited to Deadly Drill) due to the extra attack.
Details: TBA


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