Carrying low elo with Kha'Zix is incredible easy. I suggest duo queuing with a friend around the same elo, the communication you and your friend will have allows you to make plays and carry the game.
I start off with Crystaline Flask, 1 Ward and 1 Health Pot. I take this start because I ward whatever buff their jungler doesn't start at. The Flask and Health Pot give me enough sustain for about 7-10 minutes depending on who I am against, and how much I am being poked.
The "Cheese"
You are probably asking yourself what is the "cheese." Well it is a tactic. What you want to do is ward the buff that their jungler doesn't start at. Then go back to lane, push hard and rush level 2. You should take Taste Their Fear at level 1 to and Leap at level 2. Their jungler is going to be isolated in the jungle so your "Taste Their Fear" is going to do 45% more damage which is a lot at level 2. If you are duo queuing and your buddy is jungling, have him time his jungle so he can be there with you for a guaranteed kill. If this tactic is successful you will have double buffs.
After you ward your opponent's jungle, walk back to lane and start harrasing with E > Q > Basic Attack. After doing that walk into one of the bushes or out of vision to re-proc Unseen Threat. This tactic alone gives you such an advantage in lane.
So the tactic worked, you are winning lane. What now? Ward the enemy jungle and constanly gank him, this helps out the whole team by slowing down the enemy jungle, which means your teammates will get ganked less as the opponent jungler is busy farming to catch up.
Don't forget to gank top and bottom aswell, Kha'Zix has very nice ganks with a gap closer, two slows and incredible burst.
Build Order
> > > > > > > > >
Let me take you through this build order.
We don't upgrade Brutalizer into Black Cleaver straight away because the
stats that it gives are sufficient. Build straight into Last Whisper
because it ignores 35% of the enemy's armor and gives 40 AD. Boots of
Lucidity for the cooldowns. Trinity Force for the burst as it synergises
extremely well with your passive. We now finish off the Black Cleaver,
then into GA and Warmogs for Survivability.
Mid - Late GameHelp
your jungler gank lanes or the enemy jungler. Take towers because
objectives win games. Get wards out on Dragon and Baron, help out the
support and your team.
Be sure to check out this video to see how it's done.
By only playing Kha'Zix I have managed to drag myself out of Bronze V to Silver 1. I am now close to my promotion for Gold :3
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