So, here is going to be a short guide on the
runes/masteries/setup/mindset to successful supporting when support
really isn't your thing - and maybe you can find the joy and make it
your thing! (not probable >_>).
Item Set
First thing to create in your support build is your item set. You can
make them individual to each support that you like if that is your
thing, but since you aren't looking for some revolutional
specialization, I would just make one support set and put it on all of
your support champs. Mine looks like this:
This has all the general items a support will get, not in any particular
order but this will set the options up for you right in your face
allowing you to easily see the tradeoffs between each build as most
building as support is stream-of-consciousness (how much gold do I have
to spend on this back?!?).
However, for those of you looking for an easy outline (a general idea) I
would say for melee supports the typical build is philo ->
sightstone -> boots 1 -> Aegis/Locket (depending on jungle) ->
Mercs/Ninja tabi -> Shurelya's Reverie. For Ranged supports (except
thresh who fits above) I go philo -> sightstone -> kage ->
boots 1 -> cdr boots -> Twin shadows/Shard of true ice
-> Shurelya's > Locket/Aegis. For both of those builds my ruby
sightstone timing depends on when I leave lane rather than a specific
time in the build order.
Alright runes is where supporting on a budget really comes from. For
most people they would rather save up that IP for some sick top laner
axe smasher rather than girly support runes. So, we're looking for 1
cheap page that can be made and used on all supports. For this I would
go with my "Patoy" page. This is made up of:
9x Magic Penetration Marks - most people will have these already from AP mid.
9x Armor Seals - this is a MUST for bot lane and good in most roles, so a good pick up.
5x flat Magic Resist, 4x flat Mana Regen Glyphs -
you may have these from other roles, if not you can pick the MR up for
205 each and go for scaling mana regen for 205 each. This split gives
good balance of MR for mid-late and mana regen for early.
3x Gold per 10 Quints - This is the one cost for the support page, and it is worth it.
This is a basic page that you can use on almost all supports to success.
Other pages for specific supports often will be a bit more tuned to
their use (as seen in the support card's runes), but this page can be
used as it gives a good balance of all the stats the supports need to be
successful and is built out of relatively cheap parts.
Going with the theme from the item build above there are two main
mastery pages I use, one for melee support (or when I'm going to harass a
lot and get into the thick of things with a ranged support), and one
for ranged support.
Melee-Support Page:
This is the standard def-utility mix page. You go for summoner cd, mana
regen, and gold in utility. The one you can change around is summoner cd
for maybe mana or item cooldown, this can be suited to your preferences
but summoner cd is great on supports so you can flash on them and burn
their flashes as well as exhaust a lot. The defensive portion is
standard as well, you just go for armor > mr and hp & block.
Ranged-Support Page:
This page is lesser used in general, a lot of people go 9/0/21 or 0/9/21
and I think that for the most part that is not useful, the extra few
points in defense usually only surmount to a very negligible amount of
hp since the s3 nerf to early defense tree, and the extra points in
offensive are not as good as the extra utility points. This page sets
you up with 10% cdr at level 1 which is great for most ranged supports,
more shields and heals and fears. Also, as seen above most ranged
supports are going to get active items such as twin shadows or
shurelya's so item cooldown is a great mastery here as well.
While this isn't going to be the focus of this 'guide', I wanted to touch on some recurrences I see when people are forced to support who don't want to support (or are bad at support), so here are a few (circlejerky, sorry) slight tips for a quick "how to support" (note: if you wanted to learn more I have a large ppt about it and while its a bit dated the concepts are the same, here).
- In lane make a presence. Many people find support boring because they play support in a boring way, sitting in a bush waiting to Leona E or sitting back and Soraka healing only. Take opportunities to harass the opponent with ranged supports as their ADC goes to last hit. Threaten your stun or engage with melee supports as they farm.
- If you want to play an aggressive lane, the first thing to do is ward. When you play forward at the creepline or even in front of it make sure you have strong ward coverage as this is when you are most vulnerable to ganks. It's a bit counterintuitive to the other roles but the most aggressive items aren't straight damage items but comprehensive wards and counter-wards.
- Your teamfight role is not to execute low hp targets. Don't go around teamfights trying to finish opponents or chasing low hp people. I see Leona players do this all the time, your time is way better spent defending your squishies from bruisers than chasing down that one enemy who is fleeing (even if you may catch said enemy).
The last part for supporting on a budget is picking the support! After
attending PAX East and talking to a bunch of LoL fans there I know that
everyone has their own favorite wonky support (Malzahar! Xerath! etc.),
this guide is aimed at ranked play and it will stay a bit more orthodox.
These are a few cheap supports that give a variety of playstyles and
thus can be picked in many situations, so you can have your bases
covered while keeping the cost low (so you can afford more axe
Soraka - 450 IP.
Soraka is cheap and solid ranged support. When first playing her you can
play a bit passive test the waters heal heal heal, but as you gain more
expertise you can start using your sustain to harass a ton with bananas
and Infuse. Can be surprisingly thrilling.
Taric - 1350 IP.
Taric is the cheap solid melee support. He has a concrete stun and high
stats so he is very forgiving and imo the easiest support to learn. He
is good if they have a squishy lane and you want to go a more
burst-oriented support.
Janna - 1350 IP.
Janna is a more advanced ranged support. Good at protecting carries and
disengaging, Janna takes a bit more skill to master than Soraka, and can
be a bit more viscerally rewarding. I would practice her a few times in
norm but she is a great choice.
Leona - 4800 IP.
While Leona is a bit more expensive, for those who don't enjoy support
Leona has always been the godsend. She is more viscerally pleasing and
you can net more kills (like you are Darius!). She is good in an
aggressive lane and if your team needs an initiator especially.
That is all, I hope this was helpful to those people who are not big on
support. Maybe people can take a break from Volibear support to see the
complexity in positioning and making the most of every opportunity of a
support like Janna and seeing why it is so satisfying. If you guys have
any questions or comments or concerns you can leave me a note below.
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