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Prophet Bot 3.6 Goliath fixed for PWI

Prophet Bot 3.6 G0liath_fixed for PWI

Ive been working on a few of the same things that the 3.5 release has in it. Im not really sure how I should label the version in comparison since I have been mostly working out of the "Prophet Bot 3.1 PWI Fixed(Amineurin)risepw" and "Turtle Bot". I dont really claim anything as far as the release goes. Everything that is in here has been found within these forums in one way or another. Ive said it before, I learned what little I know of this stuff by learning from you all. Ive read that the original releases were not written as good as they should be; I know that I didnt do any better. This is an open source release because it is all of your work. If the version should be changed, please let me know but dont yell at me.

That being said...

Updated Skill list selection - Like 3.5 but with some font fixes
Updated Buff list selection - Like 3.5
Updated AutoPot selection - Same style as for skill and buffs
Updated sellItem Packet and function
Updated buyItem Packet
Updated Movement Packet for vertical flight.
Added FlyID offset for aerogear
Chat Alert Checkbox - on/off whisper alert
Zoom Checkbox - on/off extended zoom length
Emot Checkbox - on/off 3+ emoticon usage (ya I know stupid but I use it)
Rename Checkbox - on/off window renaming. (For those who cant use it)
Infuse Genie w/EXP
Infuse Genie w/SP
Feed Genie
Genie Assist Skill at HP% level
Added Genie and Genie Stamina offset
Added Reset Button - to reload bot to client if client gets reloaded, etc.
Added Server Button - to load different offsets for additional servers.
Improved AntiKS

Reduced Memory Usage - Thanks to Murmuring
Added Level 100 Potions to list
Added NomadMemory.au3 to the .rar
Added Level 90 Potions from Divine Emissary of Shadow

Some of the features are things that I use for myself so laugh if you like. I use it on both PWI and private servers; hence, the server button. I use it as a bot and as a normal autopotter. Im not so nice to should all the pictures; especially, since it looks pretty much the same as the rest except I didnt remove any useless stuff; I only added useless stuff LOL.

An important change in usage is through packet sending. This I primarily pulled from Turtle Bot. Hot bars are not utilized like they used to be. Pet feed slots, rotated weapons, potions, pets, etc. are being directly referenced from their bag slots. Bag slots are numbered left to right, running top to bottom. So if you are using a pot from the second row of your inventory, at the second slot in: it will be slot 10. 
HELP File : 

Start/Stop Button: Starts and stops the bot from hunting/gathering.


AntiKS: Check ths box to keep bot from Kill Stealing from nearby characters.

Hunt By Name: Check this box to allow bot to target all mobs of the same name.  Otherwise, it will hunt by Mob ID.

Unfreeze: Check this box to allow your client window to remain active, even if it is under another window.


Radius: Set this number to the maximum dustance you want the bot to roam from your Home/Base position.
    -Also a radius will need to be set in order for gathering herbs/resources to work.

Set Button: Saves your Radius and sets your current position as your Home/Base position.


Alert Off: Check this box to turn off ythe Whisper Alert .wav that warns you if you are whispered.

Zoom: Check this box to allow extended Zooming out on your client.

Emot: Check this box to enable the use of more than 3 Emoticons in a single message. (Silly....Use with care.)

Rename: Check this box if you want the program to rename your client window when ProphetBot starts.


Reset Button: Restarts ProphetBot.  Useful if a client crashes and you need to reattach the program.

Server Button: Allows you to switch ProphetBot to another set of server offsets.  Only useful to those who play
    on more than one verion of Perfect World.
    Server_1.ini will be created based on your current offset file.  If you use another server, you need to save
    its offsets in a file named of the same format ie. Server_2.ini.


Use Skills: Check this box to tell the bot to use the programed skill list.

Add Button: Adds another skill to your skill usage list. (Up to 8)

Remove Button: Removes last skill from your list.

Save Button: Saves your skill configuration.

Skill: Is a list of your character's skills to be set.

Delay: Is the delay (in seconds) for the skill.


Use AutoBuff: Check this box to tell the bot to use the programed buff list.

Add Button: Adds another buff to your autobuff list. (Up to 4)

Remove Button: Removes last buff from your list.

Save Button: Saves your buff configuration.

Skill: Is a list of your character's skills/Buffs to be set.

Delay: Is the delay (in seconds) for the buff.

Interval: Is the time (in minutes) that you set as the timer before the buff is recast.


RestoreHP: Check this box to meditate once your HP reaches the level set by the appropriate slider bar.

RestoreMP: Check this box to meditate once your MP reaches the level set by the appropriate slider bar.


Auto Loot: Check this box to have your character pick up its drops.

Move To Corpse: Check this box to have your character move to the mob's corpse to pick up drops. (Ranged Classes)

Get Herbs: Check this box to have your character gather herbs. (needs Gather Config)

Get Resources: Check this box to have your character gather resources. needs Gather Config)

-Gather Config-

Reset Files Button: Use this button to "Reset Files" to build the gather lists for that player.
    You can delete names of Herbs/Resorces that you do not want to gather in the Gather Config folder.


Genie Heal: Check this box to have your genie use a set skill at the level of HP set by the slider bar.

Genie Skill: Is the genie skill you would like your genie to use on your character at the set level of HP.


Auto-Pot HP: Check this box to have your character use a skill/item at the level of HP set by the slider bar.

Auto HP2: Check this box to have your character use a second skill/item at the level of HP set by the slider bar.

Auto-Pot MP: Check this box to have your character use a skill/item at the level of MP set by the slider bar.

Skill/Item: Your character skills and HP/MP potions are listed in the corresponding dropdown menus. (with delay for HP)
    -set your desired skill or potion in the appropriate fields.


Flymode: Check this box to enable support for flying.

Res On Die: Check this box to utilize the Res Rail.  Rail must be set.

Apothocary Rail: Check this box to utilize the Apothecary Rail.  Rail must be set. Apothocary Rail will run back to your
    set apothocary and sell/buy/repair items. Buy/Sell lists need to be configured.

Set Rail Button (Res On Die): Go to the the spot you would most likely spawn at if you were to die. Click the "Set Rail" button
    then go back in game and press f11 every 20m or so all the way out to were you want to hunt. Then press f10 to end the rail.

Set Rail Button (Apothocary Rail): Go to the nearest apothocary and stand right in front of it and select it.
    Click the "Set Rail" button then go back in game. Hold shift and press f10. Then press f11 every 20m or so
    all the way out to were you want to hunt. Then press f10 to end the rail.

Set Do Not Sell List: Use this button to initiate the buy/sell item files in the Gather Config folder.  Files can only be set
    after the button initializes them.


Save: Use this button to save all settings in the Life Support GUI.

Pet Support GUI

Auto Heal Pet: Check this box to have bot heal a pet when needed.

Pet Attack First: Check this box to have your pet attack a mob first.

Pet Slot: Is the slot in your pet bag that you want your character to use (which pet your character will summon).
    Set from 1 to 8.  The slot is defined from left to right then from top to bottom of your pet bag.

HP to Heal At: Is the level of HP that you want your character to start healing your pet.

Pet Feed Slot: Is the slot in your inventory that your pet food is located. It is defined by your Inventory slot number (1-64)
    depending on how many slots you have opened.  They are ordered Left to Right, then from Top to Bottom.

Save Button: Saves the settings of the Pet Support GUI.


Try to Fly to Escape Death: Check box to have your character try to fly to escape death.

Damage From Mob: Is the largest amount of damage you think you can take from a mob.  If your HP drops below this amount, you
    will attempt to fly to escape death.

Fly to Z: Is the height that you want your character to rise to in an escape attempt.

Save Button: Saves the settings of the Fly Escape GUI.


Use Rotate Weapon: Check this box to tell the bot to rotate weapons from your list.

Add Button: Adds another weapon to your weapin usage list. (Up to 4)

Remove Button: Removes last weapon from your list.

Save Button: Saves your weapon configuration.

Weapon Slot: Is the slot in your inventory that your weapon is located. It is defined by your Inventory slot number (1-64)
    depending on how many slots you have opened.  They are ordered Left to Right, then from Top to Bottom.

Interval: Is the amount of time (in minutes) for your character to use each weapon.


List of Mobs that you want your character to hunt.


Add to Moblist: Allows you to add selected mobs to moblist.  Use button and follow onscreen instructions.

Reset Moblist: Use this to empty your current moblist.


Infuse Genie w/EXP: Check this box to infuse your equipped genie with EXP.

Infuse Genie w/SP: Check this box to infuse your equipped genie with SP.

Feed Genie: Check this box if you want to feed your genie.

EXP% Limit: Is the maximum percentage of EXP to next level that you want your character to reach before it starts to infuse EXP.

SP Limit: Is the maximum number of SP points that you want your character to reach before it starts to infuse SP.

Points to Infuse: Are the number of EXP/SP points that you want your character to infuse to your genie.

Stamina Level: Is the lowest amount of stamina your genie will reach before you feed your genie.

Food Slot: Is the slot in your inventory that your genie food is located. It is defined by your Inventory slot number (1-64)
    depending on how many slots you have opened.  They are ordered Left to Right, then from Top to Bottom.

Food Amount: Is the number of chi stones that you want to feed your genie once it reaches the set stamina level.

Save Button:  Saves the settings of the Genies GUI.
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