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Dragon Nest Farm: Fishes / Crops / Recipe

How to get The quest ? *You need to be AT LEAST level 24 !*

Step 1: Talk to Irene in Saint-Heaven
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Step 2: Accept the level 24: Farm district Grand Opening Quest From Irene
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Step 3: Head to the farm and Talk to Farm manager Mori
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Step 4: complete the quest and talk to him again
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Step 5: You should be able to see your farming skills under Secondary skills (Press "K"[Default Key])
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That is all :) Hope it helped !

EXP Required:
Cooking : 

Basic level 1 to level 2: 1,000 exp
Basic level 2 to level 3: 2,000 exp
Basic level 3 to level 4: 3,000 exp
Basic level 4 to level 5: 5,000 exp
Basic level 5 to level 6: 10,000 exp
Basic level 6 to level 7: 10,000 exp
Basic level 7 to level 8: 10,000 exp
Basic level 8 to level 9: 10,000 exp
Basic level 9 to level 10: 100,000 exp
Basic level 10 to level 11: 100,000 exp
Basic level 11 to level 12: 100,000 exp
Basic 12 to Intermediate 1: 100,000 exp
Intermediate 1 to Intermediate 2: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 2 to Intermediate 3: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 3 to Intermediate 4: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 4 to Intermediate 5: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 5 to Intermediate 6: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 6 to Intermediate 7: 200,000 exp
Intermediate 7 to Intermediate 8: 200,000 exp
Basic level 1 to level 2: 40 exp
Basic level 2 to level 3: 120 exp
Basic level 3 to level 4: 600 exp

Basic level 4 to level 5: 1,800 exp
Basic level 5 to level 6: 1,800 exp
Basic level 6 to level 7: 3,600 exp
Basic level 7 to level 8: 3.600 exp
Basic level 8 to level 9: 5.400 exp

Basic level 9 to level 10: 216,000 exp
Basic level 10 to level 11: 216,000 exp
Basic level 11 to level 12: 432,000 exp

basic level 12 to intermediate level 1: 576,000 exp
Intermediate level 1 to level 2: 1,440,000 exp
Intermediate level 2 to level 3: 1,440,000 exp
Intermediate level 3 to level 4: 1,440,000 exp
Intermediate level 4 to level 5:  2,880,000 exp
Intermediate level 5 to level 6: 2,880,000 exp
Intermediate level 6 to level 7: 2,880,000 exp
Intermediate level 7 to level 8: 3,600,000 exp

 Basic level 1 to level 2: 216,000 exp
Basic level 2 to level 3: 216,000 exp
Basic level 3 to level 4: 216,000 exp
Basic level 4 to level 5: 216,000 exp
Basic level 5 to level 6: 216,000 exp
Basic level 6 to level 7: 216,000 exp
Basic level 7 to level 8: 216,000 exp
Basic level 8 to level 9: 216,000 exp
Basic level 9 to level 10: 216,000 exp
Basic level 10 to level 11: 216,000 exp
Basic level 11 to level 12: 216,000 exp
basic level 12 to intermediate level 1: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 1 to level 2: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 2 to level 3: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 3 to level 4: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 4 to level 5: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 5 to level 6: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 6 to level 7: 216,000 exp
Intermediate level 7 to level 8: 216,000 exp
 No. 1 Fishing District

[Magic Grade Fish]
Calderock Trout, Rockstone Clear Fish, Foothills Crucian, Big Rake Salmon, Striped Crucian

[Rare Grade Fish]
Small Herring, Red Trout, Black Striped Salmon, Calderock Mudskipper, Rockstone Clear Fish

[Epic Grade Fish]
Crystal Smelt, Electric Eel, Golden Snakehead

No. 2 Fishing District

[Magic Grade Fish]
Red Coil Fish (Maroon's Coil), Valley Grouper, Mountain Stream Fish, Neteyed Herring (Netherring), Blue-scaled Bass

[Rare Grade Fish]
Small Herring, Red Trout, Black Striped Salmon, Calderock Mudskipper, Rockstone Clear Fish (not shown in game but is in UI String)

[Epic Grade Fish]
Crystal Smelt, Electric Eel, Golden Snakehead

No. 3 Fishing District

[Magic Grade Fish]
Lake Smelt, Rock Whitebait, Sawtooth Croaker, Big-scaled Sweetfish, Red Bass

[Rare Grade Fish]
Winter Carp, Big Rake Bass, Red Stone Moroko, Golden Carp, Stone-scaled Croaker

[Epic Grade Fish]
Crystal Smelt, Electric Eel, Golden Snakehead

No. 4 Fishing District

[Magic Grade Fish]
Red Swordtail Carp, Calderock Golden Crucian, Gold-tailed Sweetfish (Yellowtail FishsweetFish) , Spotted Carp, Angler Snakehead

[Rare Grade Fish]
Winter Carp, Big Rake Bass, Red Stone Moroko, Golden Carp, Stone-scaled Croaker

[Epic Grade Fish]
Crystal Smelt, Electric Eel, Golden Snakehead

*Note* Antique Common Pouch can be obtained in all 4 Areas

 *Note* You can only plant ONE Epic Seed (Of the same level) at a time.
Seeds / Magic / Rare / Time Taken / Water / Experience

 Basic 1

  • Red Beard Seed  -(Red Beard Grass) / [Gall] / 1 Minute / 540 / 10 exp
  • Peach Tree Seed - (Peach) /  [Gall] / 1 Minute / 540 / 10 exp
  • Temple Grass Seed - (Temple Grass) / [Gall] / 1 Minute / 540 / 10 exp
  • Golden Apple Seed / 1 Day / 714,000 / *4800* exp

Basic 2

  • Apple Tree Seed - (Jonathan Apple) / [Vine Tree] / 6 Minutes / 3,240 / 60 exp
  • Wild Rice Seed - (Raw Rice) / [Vine Tree] / 6 Minutes / 3,240 / 60 exp
  • Sanctuary Moss Seed - (Sanctuary Moss) / [Vine Tree] / 6 Minutes / 3,240 / 60 exp
  • Fly Agaric ShroomSpore - (Fly Agaric Shroom) / [Vine Tree] / 6 Minutes / 3,240 / 60 exp
 Basic 3
  • Winter Barley Seed - (Winter Barley) / [Moss Grave] / 30 Minutes / 16,200 / 300 exp
  • Frost Ginseng Seed - (Frost Ginseng) / [Moss Grave] / 30 Minutes / 16,200 / 300 exp
  • Forsythia ShroomSpore - (Forsythia Shroom) / [Moss Grave] / 30 Minutes / 16,200 / 300 exp
  • Dragon Tooth Grass Seed - (Dragon Tooth Grass) / [Moss Grave] / 30 Minutes / 16,200 / 300 exp
Basic 4
  • Wind Strawberry Seed - (Red Wild Strawberry) / [Chaff]* / 90 Minutes / 48,600 / 900 exp
  • Carrot Seed - ( Carrot ) / [Chaff]* / 90 Minutes / 48,600 / 900 exp
  • Golden Wheat Seed - (Golden Wheat) / [Chaff]* / 90 Minutes / 48,600 / 900 exp
Basic 4
  • Red Flame ShroomSpore - (Red Flame Shroom) / [Plantain]* / 180 Minutes / 97,200 / 1800 exp
  • Valley Acorn Seed - (Valley Arcon) / [plantain]* / 180 Minutes / 97,200 / 1800 exp
  • Wild Sweet Potato Seed - (Wild Sweet Potato) / [Plantain]* / 180 Minutes / 97,200 / 1800 exp
 Basic 8
  • Essence of Life Seed - (Essence of Life) / 30 Minutes / 15,300 / 1,500* exp
  • *NEW* Ressurection Apple Seed  - (Revival Apple) / 5 Days / 900,000 / 360,000 exp
Basic 9
  • Forest Chilli Seed - (Blue Forest Chilli) / [Crabgrass]^ / 1 Day / 714,000 / 72,000 exp
  • Riverside Perilla Seed - (Riverside Perilla) / [Crabgrass]^ / 1 Day / 714,000 / 72,000* exp
  • Hill Water Grass Seed - (Hill Water Grass) / [Crabgrass]^ / 1 Day / 714,000 / 72,000* exp
  • Forest Lanceolate Root Seed - (Forest Lanceolate Root) / [Crabgrass]^ / 1 Day / 714,000 / 72,000* exp
NPC buying price: -
(Blue Forest Chilli) - 4G 75S
(Riverside Perilla - 4G 75S
(Hill Water Grass) - 4G 75S
(Forest Lanceolate Root) - 4G 75S
[Crabgrass] - 9G 50S

Basic 9
  • Black Net Shroom Spore - (Black Net Shroom) / [Motherwort] / 2 Day / 900,000 / 144,000* exp
  • Lily of the Valley Seed - (Silver Lily Petal) / [Shaft] / 2 Day / 900,000 / 144,000* exp
  • Wild Bean Seed - (Yellow Wild Bean) / [Shaft] / 2 Day / 900,000 / 144,000* exp
NPC buying price: -
(Black Net Shroom) - 13G 25S
(Silver Lily Petal) - 13G 25S
(Yellow Wild Bean) -13G 25S
[Motherwort] - 26G 50S
[Shaft] - 26G 50S

Basic 10
  • Antler Shroom Spore - (Antler Shroom) / [Motherwort] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • GobleCorn Seed - (GobleCorn) / [Motherwort] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Summer Sweet Radish Seed - (Summer Sweet Radish) / [Motherwort] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Hound ShroomSpore - (Hound Shroom) / [Hogweed] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Sun Weed Seed - (Sun Weed) / [Hogweed] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Frost pumpkin Seed - (Frost Pumpkin) / [Hogweed] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Wild Cucumber Seed - (Wild Cucumber) / [Blue Gobble Fungus] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Black Mountain Sesame Seed - (Black Mountain Sesame) / [Blue Gobble Fungus] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Monastery Shroom Spore - (Monastrery Shroom) / [Blue Gobble Fungus] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
  • Black Mountain Yam Seed - (Black Mountain Yam) / [Blue Gobble Fungus] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 144,000 exp
NPC buying price: -
(Antler Shroom) - 13G 25S
(GobleCorn) - 13G 25S
(Summer Sweet Radish) - 13G 25S
(Hound Shroom) - 13G 25S
(Sun Weed) - 13G 25S
(Frost Pumpkin) - 13G 25S
(Wild Cucumber) - 13G 25S
(Black Mountain Sesame) - 13G 25S
(Monastrery Shroom) - 13G 25S
(Black Mountain Yam) - 13G 25S
[Motherwort] - 26G 50S
[Hogweed] - 26G 50S
[Blue Gobble Fungus] - 26G 50S
Intermediate 1
  • Red Nectarines Seed  - (Red nectrines) / 5 Days / 900,000 / 1,800,000 exp
  • Dark Grass Seed  - (Dark Grass) / 1 Days / 714,000 / 360,000* exp
  • Black Rice Seed - (Black Raw Rice) / 1 Days / 714,000 / 360,000* exp
  • Sanctuary WaterMelon Seed - (Sanctuary WaterMelon) / [Mistletoe] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
  • Frost Coffee Bean Seed - (Frost Coffee Bean) / [Mistletoe] / 2 Days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
  • Black Pine ShroomSpore - (Black Pine Shroom) / [Mistletoe] / 2 days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
Intermediate 2
  • Rose Thorn Seed - (Rose thorn Plant) / [Tendril] / 1 Day / 714,000 / 360,000 exp
  • Scale Thorn Seed - (Scale Thorn Plant) / [Tendril] / 1 Day / 714,000 / 360,000 exp
  • Willow Herb Seed - (Willow herb Petal) / [Tendril] / 1 Day / 714,000 / 360,000 exp
  • Swamp EggPlant Seed - (Swamp Egg Plant) / [Tendril] / 1 Day / 714,000 / 360,000 exp
 Intermediate 3
  • Shade Buckwheat Seed - (Shade BuckWheat) / [Poa Grass] / 2 days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
  • Centipede grass Seed - (Centipede Grass Roots) / [Poa Grass] / 2 days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
  • River Grass Seed - (River Grass Roots) / [Poa Grass] / 2 days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
  • Swamp ShroomSpore - (Swamp Shroom) / [Poa Grass] / 2 days / 900,000 / 720,000 exp
Intermediate 4
  • Violet Seed - (Violet Petal) / [Short Grass Shroom] / 3 days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
  • Wild Cabbage Seed - (Wild Cabbage) / [Short Grass Shroom] / 3 days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
  • Wild Mugwort Seed - (Wild Mugwort Plant) / [Short Grass Shroom] / 3 days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
  • Shade OrcShroom Spore - (Shade Orc Shroom) / [Fleabane] / 3 days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
  • GreenHat Shroom Spore - (Green Hat Shroom) / [Fleabane] / 3 days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
  • White Umbrella Shroom Spore - (White Umbrella Shroom) / [Fleabane] / 3 Days / 900,000 / 1,080,000 exp
NPC buying price: -
(Sanctuary WaterMelon) - 13G 25S
(Frost Coffee Bean) - 13G 25S
(Black Pine Shroom) - 13G 25S
(Rose thorn Plant) - 6G 35S
(Scale Thorn Plant) - 6G 35S
(Willow herb Petal) - 6G 35S
(Swamp Egg Plant) - 6G 35S
(Shade BuckWheat) - 13G 25S
(Centipede Grass Roots) - 13G 25S
(River Grass Roots) - 13G 25S
(Swamp Shroom) - 13G 25S
(Violet Petal) - 20G 10S
(Wild Cabbage) - 20G 10S
(Wild Mugwort Plant) - 20G 10S
(Shade Orc Shroom) - 20G 10S
(Green Hat Shroom) - 20G 10S
(White Umbrella Shroom) - 20G 10S
[Mistletoe] - 26G 50S
[Tendril] - 12G 70S
[Poa Grass] - 26G 50S
[Short Grass Shroom] - 40G 20S
[Fleabane] -40G 20S

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1 comment:

  1. great! can you add how many experience gained from which recipe?


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